Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Track Season..... Disappointing, but Plenty of Hope is still on the Horizon

My 2011 Homestead track season ended officially today after our meet against New Haven and Norwell.  I unfortunately am not on varsity for throwing so I will not be competing at sectionals in the postseason.  Looking back on my season, I feel that I left much to be accomplished.  I only set one personal record in discus, and zero new distances in shot put.  In a perfect world, a track athlete would hope to only show improvements as the year goes on.  However, due to some other factors such as soreness from workouts, I showed plenty of inconsistency throughout the season.  However, I still know there is a positive outlook on the season.  I may not have had outstanding performances in meets, but I still feel like I improved in certain areas of throwing.  I also know now what I need to improve for next season.  I know I can get better.  Overall, I may not have seen the results I dreamed of this season, but I look forward to being able to have more chances to work on track for next year.

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