Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A New Focus

Now that my track season has officially ended, I have decided to focus on other areas of my life.  I want to work harder in school than I have been working lately.  I have not dedicated myself as I need to be dedicated to get the grades I want in school.  In addition, I want to refocus on building up my physical strength.  I am going to go to the YMCA several days a week to lift weights.  In addition, I can also play basketball for fun at the YMCA.  I will also be searching for a job.  Overall, I look forward to the new opportunities I will have now that track season is over.  I am disappointed the season was as short as it was, but I know I can make the most of my new free time.  I will pray to God to help me use my time wisely.  I truly want to be as productive as possible.

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