Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reading: More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree (pgs. 157-195)

In the next section of More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree, Tyree describes how to put faith into action.  In chapter thirteen, Tyree informs the reader about a cycle of success.  Tyree details how people must put all of their goals into perspective.  He tells the reader not to have goals simply for their own gain.  Instead, have goals to serve God.  Tyree details how a person will be defined successful by God.  Tyree basically states that if a person puts God first and keeps everything in correct, humble perspective, the person will be happy and also please God. 

In chapter fourteen, Tyree describes the ingredients of greatness.  He describes all of the different definitions for greatness.  Tyree then describes the meaning of of being great in God's eyes.  Tyree gives all of his perspective on being great in serving God.  He provides the reader with guidelines on life to keep God in the correct perspective.  At the end of the chapter, Tyree describes his own hall of greatness.  He describes several people whom he is very close to that positively impacted his life as greatness in action. 

In chapter fifteen, Tyree describes physical and spiritual discipline.  Tyree clearly notes the difference between physical discipline, and spiritual discipline.  He provides the reader with examples of spiritual discipline.  Habits such as prayer are detailed by Tyree.  Tyree tells the reader to keep disciplined with their faith.  This message means that people must not only have good habits, but continue to improve those habits as their faith deepens.

After reading this section of Tyree's book, I feel that I have gained a greater insight on my own personal faith.  Tyree describes the true steps to putting Christianity in action.  God does not want us to be passive about our faith.  God wants us to share our faith with others while having a passion to continue to grow in our faith.  However, our actions are our biggest tool to sharing the gospel.  Acting as God wants us to act spreads God's love better than simply telling someone about your beliefs.  Although telling a person about your specific faith may be appropriate for a situation, actions still speak louder than words in most situations.  I have learned that I must ask God to help me be the best disciple possible.  I cannot do it alone, and I need to ask for God's help.  I have enjoyed Tyree's book thus far and look forward to learning more about him in the rest of his book.

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