Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 35-72)

In the next section of Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabbs, I learned about the true paranoia of finding out about a dead loved one.  In chapter four, the Cerak family is described as they receive word that Whitney, has died in a car crash.  The family is in complete disbelief at first.  Slowly, the family begins to accept the painful reality.  Unfortunately, the family has to prepare mentally in accepting her death.  They make plans for a funeral service as well.  All in all, the death seems unreal to the family.  However, they trust God's plan.

In chapter five, Tabbs details the very long wait the Van Ryn family experienced as they awaited their daughter's exit from her coma.  They spent much of the time in prayer for their daughter.  They also had constant questions over their daughter's chance of survival.  They also questioned if their daughter could still live out a normal life after the crash.  In some ways, not all of their questions were answered.  However, they continued to trust God's will in all of the matter.

In chapter six, Tabbs describes comfort in the midst of pain for the Cerak family.  They received their comfort from outside sources.  People who knew their daughter Whitney called in to offer their support in the family's time of need.  There were many people that informed the Ceraks of their daughter's impact on their lives.  These stories helped the Ceraks during a turbulent time for the family.  They still were sorrowful due to their daughter's death, but they received comfort in God's will and also his message of peace through the outside influences.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I find truths when Tabbs describes the importance of outside support.  Although family is most important when getting over the loss of a loved one, the outside sources of friends help significantly.  Friends can really attach themselves to each other like a true family.  As a result, if one of their friends dies, they will mourn for them as one of their own.  I find it amazing when I see how supportive people can be in a time of sorrow.  When a person dies, their family is supported more than ever.  In many ways, death can unveil true compliments towards a family.  I have enjoyed this book thus far and will look forward to the rest of the story as it unfolds.

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