Monday, May 2, 2011

Reading: More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree (pgs. 195-228)

In the last section of More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree, I learned more factual information rather than philosophical insight.  In chapter sixteen, Tyree describes a workout routine both spiritually and physically.  He includes the times to do each workout and number of repetition of each exercise.  Interestingly, Tyree makes references to faith in God in all of his exercise routines.  He includes areas of focus for each workout spiritually.  He also includes a diet to help achieve better physical fitness.

In chapter seventeen, Tyree details several significant dreams he has had in his life.  He describes several different dreams and how they tied back to God and to reality.  Many of the dreams he describes happened in reality closely to how they happened in the dream.  He shares insight on how the dreams were messages from God informing him on the events to come in his life.

In chapter eighteen, Tyree gives a full reflection on his life and ties it directly to God.  He states that his life is a testimony to God's love and power.  He was an underdog, but God helped to elevate him to highest level of sports.  He was given all of his opportunity through God.  Tyree tells the reader to have an open mind when approaching God.  God will present his opportunities, and it is a person's job to be ready for these opportunities.

In the conclusion, Tyree leaves the reader with a prayer for their destiny.  He details his own life while asking God to bless all of the readers of his book.  Tyree gives blessing to all his readers through his book.
After reading the last section of Tyree's book, I feel more power to live out my faith.  Tyree provides many examples of opportunities to focus on God throughout your daily routine.  I now know that I can focus on God and serve him even in the smallest things in life.  I do not have to limit myself to Sunday worship, I can focus on God in all aspects and times of my life.  I realize that a full relationship with God throughout my entire life is the true fulfillment of my faith.  I truly enjoyed reading Tyree's book, and I look forward to reading more books in the future.

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