Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 73-100)

In the next section of Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabbs, I learned about more interesting facts and ways of dealing with crisis.  In chapter seven, the Van Ryn family is described once again.  Laura's mother, begins to post about Laura on a blog of her own.  She thoroughly describes Laura's road to recover from her coma.  She details Laura's first steps in recovery.  In addition, friends and family comment on the blog and offer their support to the family.  Many people show their love for Laura and the family though their encouraging words.

In chapter eight, an important step with Laura's recovery is described.  Laura is finally stable enough to handle extensive surgery.  She needs the surgery to be able to gain back control of her limbs from the car crash.  Fortunately, the surgery goes well and Laura indeed seems to be on her road to a full recovery from the accident.

In chapter nine, Whitney's birthday after her death is described.  Whitney's family uses the day as a milestone of her death.  They mourn as expected.  However, they also remember the positives from Whitney's death.  These positives mostly revolve around Whitney being at peace in heaven.  Whitney did not die in vain.  She was a tremendous person as her family describes.  She touched countless people as evident by the support the family received after Whitney's death.  The family is saddenned by the reality of Whitney's death, but they look forward to the day in heaven when they will reunite with their daughter.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I understand the both family's reliance on God through their adversity.  I have learned that I am always closest to God in my struggles.  When I hit rock bottom in my emotions, I seem to have to rely on God more for comfort.  In many ways, I enjoy this reliance on God.  I hate having bad days and bad weeks, but if I draw closer to God, I always feel fulfilled.  Overall, I want to be the best Christian I can be.  When I rely on God more, I am helping myself achieve this goal.  I look forward to reading more stories of turmoil in the future in Tabb's book.

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