Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 243-302)

In the final section of Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb, the author sums up the entire story extremely well.  In chapter twenty one, the author describes moving ahead for both families.  The families used their experiences to deepen their faiths.  The Cerak family continued to rejoice in their daughter's life.  On the other hand, the Van Ryns continued to rejoice in the fact their daughter was with the Lord in heaven.  Both families told their friends and family in detail about the experience.  They used the experience to further the case for God.  Ultimately, the experience made them stronger disciples in sharing the faith.  They had strange circumstances, but overcame them well to return to their normal, productive lives. 

In the epilogue, the author details where the families are now.  They still maintain somewhat consistent contact with each other.  Both families preach the message of God using their personal stories to strengthen their case.  Whitney is very successful in her endeavors thus far and continues to excel in the world.  Both families have completely moved passed the identity swap and are better friends from the experience.

After reading the final section of Tabb's book, I fully understand the two family's friendship.  There are certain events and or struggles that can truly connect two people.  Even if the event is a tragedy, having another person with you through the struggle increases your bond with them tremendously.  Both families dealt with the identity swap.  Therefore, they understood both ends of the spectrum with their daughters.  I always look back to difficult times with people are truly admire.  When they help me through these times, I feel our friendship grows immensely.  Overall, I enjoyed this story.  I also agree with many of the author's views.  I look forward to continuing my reading with other books close to the level of enjoyment of this one.

True Motown Soul Music! (my favorite genre of music)

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 205-242)

In the next section of Mistaken Identitiy, by Mark Tabb, I realized that both families did indeed receive closure for their daughter's identity swap.  In chapter eighteen, Tabb focuses on the aftermath of the identity swap.  Specifically, he details how the Van Ryns reacted to the mistake.  They were reasonably upset.  Many people came to comfort them in their time of need.  At first, the Van Ryns simply wanted to be alone in mourning their daughter's death.  However, the support from their friends and other family members continued to add up.  The support and God's provisions helped to bring true closure for the Van Ryns on Laura's death.  They began to accept the death, and rejoice in Laura's new, perfect life in heaven. 

In chapter nineteen, the story shifts back to the Cerak family.  They still have to focus on adjusting to the new circumstances of the identity swap.  They are filled with joy as their daughter returns home.  Their optimistic attitude rarely wavers in Whitney's final stages to recover.  They surprisingly do not take a long period of time to overcome the aftermath and confusion of the swap.  Overall, they are simply ecstatic to have their daughter home.  Therefore, they feel they do not need to complain about their own circumstances. 

In chapter twenty, the author details several posts from a Cerak family blog.  The blog details Whitney's recovery.  The blog describes how enjoyable it was to spend time with Whitney.  The family once thought they had lost their daughter, but they were extremely pleased that she was indeed alive.  Her life was a gift to them, and they rejoice in it.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I feel I can relate to the recovery stand point of the families.  Tragedies do not cause sorrow only for the short term normally.  If there is an event big enough, it may take a long time for a person or group to recover from the trauma.  For example, war veterans can experience post-trauma due to their horrors on the battlefield.  Even if an event is completely over, the emotional wounds can take time to heal.  I have experienced this trauma with simple events that may be embarrassing.  I am embarrassed both in the moment, as well as later when I reflect on the embarrassing situation.  I have truly enjoyed this book thus far, and I really look forward to reading the final section of the story.

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 153-204)

In the next section of Tabb's book, Mistaken Identity, the identities of the two girls begin to surface.  In chapter fourteen, Tabb describes more of the Van Ryn family's experiences with Laura in therapy.  She begins to do normal actions such as speaking about colors and people.  She also begins to move more normally with her own body.  Overall she is gaining her life back, and the Van Ryn's appear very optimistic and elated with her progress. 

In chapter fifteen, the mistaken identities of the two girls are finally revealed.  Laura is revealed to be Whitney Cerak.  At first, the Van Ryns do not have any strong evidence to see that the girl is not their daughter.  However, they begin to realize through investigation that there is a possibility that the identities of the girls was swapped.  Ultimately, they come to a final verdict that the girl is indeed Whitney, not Laura. 

In chapter sixteen, the Van Ryns describe telling their entire family about Laura's apparent death.  They realized Laura was the dead child rather than Whitney in the car crash.  The occasion was somber, but they knew their daughter was in heaven with the Lord.

In chapter seventeen, the author describes the reactions of the Ceraks when they find out their child is alive.  They are told that Whitney is alive.  At first, they deny the message.  Through both persuasion and evidence, they begin to realize that the child who survived to the car crash was indeed Whitney.  They feel shocked when they realize the news is true, yet they still are very happy when they bring Whitney home.  To the family, it feels like they gained something extremely value that they thought they had lost.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I unfortunately know that I cannot imagine the feelings of both families in the story.  The Van Ryns must have felt great sorrow when they came to the realization that their daughter was the one who died in the crash.  On the flip side, the Ceraks must have felt pleasantly surprised when they realized their child was alive.  Honestly, the Ceraks must have felt a surreal experience.  I believe people may only experience a surreal experience a couple times a lifetime.  I feel like I have experienced one of these before, yet I think I could have an even more powerful experience in the future.  I look forward to reading the conclusion of this story.

Miame Heat Tie the Series

The Miami Heat game two of the Eastern Conference finals in the NBA verses the Chicago Bulls.  The series is now tied at 1 game a piece.  I believe this win was huge for the Heat.  They now control home court advantage over the Bulls.  In addition, they proved that they can win on their opponent's court.  In addition, I believe the Heat have a more talented roster.  They have two superstars and quality role players surrounding them.  If they play to their full potential, I do not believe any team in the NBA can stop them.  They truly may be looking at a championship season.

New Gym Coming Soon at my Church!

My church is currently under construction.  We are expanding the entire church, including the sanctuary, classrooms, and a new gym!  As you may guess, I am most looking forward to the addition of the new gym.  I have never experienced having a gym at my church, and I believe the new opportunities with the gym will be fantastic.  My church's youth group will also be able to make great use of the new facility.  The gym will bring variety to my youth group.  In addition, the gym may be able to draw people in the surrounding area to our church.  The gym can be a great tool for our outreach ministries.  Overall, the new gym at my church should be incredible, and I definitely look forward to the new addition!

My Transitions in my Basketball Game?

I have played basketball since I was about eight years old.  Although I have never truly played basketball hard-core, I have always been competitive with the sport.  I have noticed that I really changed the way I play the game in the last year or two.  Previously, I was more of a shooter and less physical on the court.  Lately, I have really evolved into more of a physical player in the post.  I like to use my body to create easy shots, rather than taking a more difficult jump shot.  I play much more aggressive now than I played previously.  Overall, I enjoy my new style more than my old one.   As a result, I love the game of basketball even more now.

End of Year.......... Reflections?

As this school year nears a closing, I realize that I have made many different strides in my life.  I have not only learned plenty of information in school, but I also feel I have matured out of the classroom in life in general as well.  I feel very fortunate to have made gains socially.  I believe I have not only more friendships, but also deeper friendships with many people.  Ultimately, I know I have much more to learn, but I feel my life is certainly going in the right direction.  I look forward to continuing the friendships I have now, while hopefully making new friends along the way.  I want to make the most of my life, and I feel, with God's help, I can achieve my goals.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 101-152)

I found a great deal of drama in the next section of my reading of Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb.  In chapter ten, Tabb describes more steps in Laura's recovery from the automobile accident.  She made many breakthrough advances in her recover.  For example, she began to gain more movement in her body.  However, the recovery stage included short comings and struggles along the way.  She had issues at time if the doctor pushed her too hard in the recovery stage.  Every step in the recovery had to be carefully monitored.  Despite the struggles, Laura seemed to be on a clear path to a full recovery from her accident.

In chapter eleven, Tabb details the Cerak's funeral procession for Whitney.  They describe the ceremony as surprisingly positive.  They reflect on all of the good God worked with in Whitney's life.  They detail being assured that Whitney is in the best possible place, in heaven with God.  The Cereks seem to show an unshakable faith and confidence in Whitney's life accomplishments.  They truly seem to be moving past the sorrow of Whitney's death.  The Cereks knew Whitney's life on earth was over, but her life in heaven was just beginning.

In chapter twelve, Tabb describes more of the conclusion of Laura's treatment.  She finally is able to speak.  She repeats the word, "Hi," often in her final stage of recovery.  She is able to speak to her family.  The Van Ryns are ecstatic that Laura is into the clear with her recovery.  She seems to be able to be a completely normal person now after the accident.  The long road to recovery appears to be ending soon.  The family details at the end of the chapter how happy they are that Laura returning to her home.

In chapter thirteen, the author describes some final closure for the Cerak family.  They visit Taylor and talk to a minister about Whitney's life.  The minister seems to agree with the family on many aspects of Whitney's life.  Overall, the Cerak's feel even more at ease after visiting Taylor.  They finally feel that they have complete closure on Whitney's death.  They know in their hearts that they can move on and know that Whitney is indeed with the Lord.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I felt great pity for both families.  The reason I felt sorry for the families is because I know the rest of the story as it was revealed in the introduction.  The two girls had their identities swapped.  Therefore, all of the emotions seem to be false emotions coming from the two families.  They truly believe that the doctors are correct in the identities.  As a result, I feel sorrow for them because they will be thrown for an emotional loop when they find out the true identities of the girls.  I always do not like being fooled, especially if the joke pulls on my emotional strings.  Any false situation that tugs on my emotions would probably be my least favorite situations.  I look forward to finding more relate able situations in the next sections of this book.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Poems for the Anthology

 The theme I have selected is the overall Idea of God and the varying viewpoints on God
My poem list thus far:
1. "What is God," by Jay Wright
2. "Prayer," by Francisco X. Alarcon
3. "Philosophies," by Dorothea Lasky
4. "Macular Hole," by Catherine Wagner
5. "His Sovereignty," by Kalonymos Ben Moses of Lucca
6. "God on the Treadmill," by Benjamin S. Grossberg

My Video Poem:
"For We Are Thy People," by Anonymous

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A New Focus

Now that my track season has officially ended, I have decided to focus on other areas of my life.  I want to work harder in school than I have been working lately.  I have not dedicated myself as I need to be dedicated to get the grades I want in school.  In addition, I want to refocus on building up my physical strength.  I am going to go to the YMCA several days a week to lift weights.  In addition, I can also play basketball for fun at the YMCA.  I will also be searching for a job.  Overall, I look forward to the new opportunities I will have now that track season is over.  I am disappointed the season was as short as it was, but I know I can make the most of my new free time.  I will pray to God to help me use my time wisely.  I truly want to be as productive as possible.

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 73-100)

In the next section of Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabbs, I learned about more interesting facts and ways of dealing with crisis.  In chapter seven, the Van Ryn family is described once again.  Laura's mother, begins to post about Laura on a blog of her own.  She thoroughly describes Laura's road to recover from her coma.  She details Laura's first steps in recovery.  In addition, friends and family comment on the blog and offer their support to the family.  Many people show their love for Laura and the family though their encouraging words.

In chapter eight, an important step with Laura's recovery is described.  Laura is finally stable enough to handle extensive surgery.  She needs the surgery to be able to gain back control of her limbs from the car crash.  Fortunately, the surgery goes well and Laura indeed seems to be on her road to a full recovery from the accident.

In chapter nine, Whitney's birthday after her death is described.  Whitney's family uses the day as a milestone of her death.  They mourn as expected.  However, they also remember the positives from Whitney's death.  These positives mostly revolve around Whitney being at peace in heaven.  Whitney did not die in vain.  She was a tremendous person as her family describes.  She touched countless people as evident by the support the family received after Whitney's death.  The family is saddenned by the reality of Whitney's death, but they look forward to the day in heaven when they will reunite with their daughter.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I understand the both family's reliance on God through their adversity.  I have learned that I am always closest to God in my struggles.  When I hit rock bottom in my emotions, I seem to have to rely on God more for comfort.  In many ways, I enjoy this reliance on God.  I hate having bad days and bad weeks, but if I draw closer to God, I always feel fulfilled.  Overall, I want to be the best Christian I can be.  When I rely on God more, I am helping myself achieve this goal.  I look forward to reading more stories of turmoil in the future in Tabb's book.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 35-72)

In the next section of Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabbs, I learned about the true paranoia of finding out about a dead loved one.  In chapter four, the Cerak family is described as they receive word that Whitney, has died in a car crash.  The family is in complete disbelief at first.  Slowly, the family begins to accept the painful reality.  Unfortunately, the family has to prepare mentally in accepting her death.  They make plans for a funeral service as well.  All in all, the death seems unreal to the family.  However, they trust God's plan.

In chapter five, Tabbs details the very long wait the Van Ryn family experienced as they awaited their daughter's exit from her coma.  They spent much of the time in prayer for their daughter.  They also had constant questions over their daughter's chance of survival.  They also questioned if their daughter could still live out a normal life after the crash.  In some ways, not all of their questions were answered.  However, they continued to trust God's will in all of the matter.

In chapter six, Tabbs describes comfort in the midst of pain for the Cerak family.  They received their comfort from outside sources.  People who knew their daughter Whitney called in to offer their support in the family's time of need.  There were many people that informed the Ceraks of their daughter's impact on their lives.  These stories helped the Ceraks during a turbulent time for the family.  They still were sorrowful due to their daughter's death, but they received comfort in God's will and also his message of peace through the outside influences.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I find truths when Tabbs describes the importance of outside support.  Although family is most important when getting over the loss of a loved one, the outside sources of friends help significantly.  Friends can really attach themselves to each other like a true family.  As a result, if one of their friends dies, they will mourn for them as one of their own.  I find it amazing when I see how supportive people can be in a time of sorrow.  When a person dies, their family is supported more than ever.  In many ways, death can unveil true compliments towards a family.  I have enjoyed this book thus far and will look forward to the rest of the story as it unfolds.

Reading: Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb (pgs. 1-34)

I have now started reading a new book called Mistaken Identity, by Mark Tabb.  This book features two girls and their families.  The two girls were involved in a fatal car crash in which both were severely hurt.  Two of the girls have their identities switched.  One of them, Laura Van Ryn, is believed to be in a coma, while the other girl, Whitney Cerak, is declared dead.  The story is about how their mistaken identities affect their families and test the faith of all to people involved with the identity crisis.  In chapter one, Tabb details the time in which the coroner of Taylor University, the school the two girls attended, called Cerak's home to inform them of the mistaken identity.  Whitney's mother, as expected, could not believe her ears.  The entire Cerak family was in complete disbelief.  At the end of the chapter, the family finds that Whitney is indeed alive.

In chapter two, the story shifts over to the Van Ryn family.  Tabb describes their reaction to first hearing about Laura being severely injured in the automobile accident.  However, her identity was mistake at the time.  Tabb describes the reaction at Taylor University when the students learned about the horrible accident.  Both families were in obvious despair.  However, both families clung to God as their comfort and hope.  Both families prayed over their children.  Whitney was believed to be dead, but she was prayed for along with Laura, who was believed to be alive.

In chapter three, the Van Ryn family is featured once again.  Tabb describes the Van Ryn family's reaction when they arrive at the hospital to find their daughter in a coma.  They prayed tirelessly over their daughter's survival.  The biggest key to their strength was their unity in the hospital room with Laura.  They had a strong bond with each other which increased the strength of their prayers.  At the end of the chapter, the family learns that their daughter is going to live, but she needs extensive care and rehab to return back to a more normal state.

After reading this section of Tabb's book, I cannot imagine the pain and shock either family would go through learning about a fatal car crash involving their family member.  I always feel more sorrow for the young kids around college age whom die from unexpected reasons such as car crashes.  People at this age have their entire hopes and dreams in front of them.  Seeing people die whom are going to enter their prime age soon is one of the most difficult pills to swallow in life.  These girls had strong relations with countless people.  I hope their families learned to truly lean on God throughout the struggle.  This book looks promising thus far, and I look forward to reading more sections in the future.

Motown, My Favorite Type of Music

I do not believe I have always been a huge fan of music.  However, I have really expanded my interest in music over the past couple of years.  I enjoy nearly all genres of music.  I like to listen to a wide variety of music.  Specifically, I enjoy hit songs of different decades the most out of all other songs.  If I had to pick my favorite type of music though, I would choose all of the songs from Motown.  I love the soul the artists put into these songs.  These songs give me a serene feeling that I simply do not receive from other types of music.  Although Motown is rather old, I believe it will always be my favorite brand of music as long as I live.

Miami Heat? The Dream Season Even Still?

LeBron James shocked the nation when he made the decision to sign with the Miami Heat before the start of the 2010-11 NBA season.  He left his hometown team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, to join a superpower team with fellow superstars Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh.  Early on, some experts picked the Heat to win the NBA championship without any major trouble.  However, the regular season clearly indicated that the Heat were not in a class of their own.  In the playoffs though, the Heat look like the superstar team all the experts imagined them to be in the first place.  They are in the second round of the tournament in the playoffs.  They are currently up two games to nothing on the Boston Celtics, another dubbed contender for the championship by the experts.  Surprisingly, James, despite only a moderately impressive regular season, could really make his decision seem like the right one if he manages to win the NBA championship with the Miami Heat.

Track Season..... Disappointing, but Plenty of Hope is still on the Horizon

My 2011 Homestead track season ended officially today after our meet against New Haven and Norwell.  I unfortunately am not on varsity for throwing so I will not be competing at sectionals in the postseason.  Looking back on my season, I feel that I left much to be accomplished.  I only set one personal record in discus, and zero new distances in shot put.  In a perfect world, a track athlete would hope to only show improvements as the year goes on.  However, due to some other factors such as soreness from workouts, I showed plenty of inconsistency throughout the season.  However, I still know there is a positive outlook on the season.  I may not have had outstanding performances in meets, but I still feel like I improved in certain areas of throwing.  I also know now what I need to improve for next season.  I know I can get better.  Overall, I may not have seen the results I dreamed of this season, but I look forward to being able to have more chances to work on track for next year.

Quality Time Redefined

After reading the New York Times article, "Quality Time Redefined," I feel that the family described in the article closely resembles myself.  I often feel consumed with the technology around me.  I tend to concentrate on music and screens rather than the people physically around me.  However, my parents do not seem consumed with technology.  I believe the generation gap has kept them less interested with the truly advanced technology of today's world.  My brothers, on the other hand, may be more consumed with technology than myself.  They seem to be more into computers and new I-pods or I-phones than I am.  I think that technology can definitely be an issue.  However I work to prevent technology from taking priority over face to face communication.  I enjoyed the article, and I ultimately feel the growing technology in modern society must be regulated to promote a healthy home life.

Poetry Tournament

I was very pleased to win the poetry tournament for our etymology class.  I felt everyone did a great job in presenting their poems.  I feel fortunate to be the winner of the tournament.  In addition, I found that I actually enjoy reciting poetry.  I enjoy putting some emotion into the reading because I can leave a positive impression on other people.  I enjoy stating my emotions through speaking because I feel that I can release emotions that I may not be able to release otherwise.  Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the poetry competition experience and I truly felt that everyone in the class did an excellent job.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Reading: More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree (pgs. 195-228)

In the last section of More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree, I learned more factual information rather than philosophical insight.  In chapter sixteen, Tyree describes a workout routine both spiritually and physically.  He includes the times to do each workout and number of repetition of each exercise.  Interestingly, Tyree makes references to faith in God in all of his exercise routines.  He includes areas of focus for each workout spiritually.  He also includes a diet to help achieve better physical fitness.

In chapter seventeen, Tyree details several significant dreams he has had in his life.  He describes several different dreams and how they tied back to God and to reality.  Many of the dreams he describes happened in reality closely to how they happened in the dream.  He shares insight on how the dreams were messages from God informing him on the events to come in his life.

In chapter eighteen, Tyree gives a full reflection on his life and ties it directly to God.  He states that his life is a testimony to God's love and power.  He was an underdog, but God helped to elevate him to highest level of sports.  He was given all of his opportunity through God.  Tyree tells the reader to have an open mind when approaching God.  God will present his opportunities, and it is a person's job to be ready for these opportunities.

In the conclusion, Tyree leaves the reader with a prayer for their destiny.  He details his own life while asking God to bless all of the readers of his book.  Tyree gives blessing to all his readers through his book.
After reading the last section of Tyree's book, I feel more power to live out my faith.  Tyree provides many examples of opportunities to focus on God throughout your daily routine.  I now know that I can focus on God and serve him even in the smallest things in life.  I do not have to limit myself to Sunday worship, I can focus on God in all aspects and times of my life.  I realize that a full relationship with God throughout my entire life is the true fulfillment of my faith.  I truly enjoyed reading Tyree's book, and I look forward to reading more books in the future.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reading: More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree (pgs. 157-195)

In the next section of More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree, Tyree describes how to put faith into action.  In chapter thirteen, Tyree informs the reader about a cycle of success.  Tyree details how people must put all of their goals into perspective.  He tells the reader not to have goals simply for their own gain.  Instead, have goals to serve God.  Tyree details how a person will be defined successful by God.  Tyree basically states that if a person puts God first and keeps everything in correct, humble perspective, the person will be happy and also please God. 

In chapter fourteen, Tyree describes the ingredients of greatness.  He describes all of the different definitions for greatness.  Tyree then describes the meaning of of being great in God's eyes.  Tyree gives all of his perspective on being great in serving God.  He provides the reader with guidelines on life to keep God in the correct perspective.  At the end of the chapter, Tyree describes his own hall of greatness.  He describes several people whom he is very close to that positively impacted his life as greatness in action. 

In chapter fifteen, Tyree describes physical and spiritual discipline.  Tyree clearly notes the difference between physical discipline, and spiritual discipline.  He provides the reader with examples of spiritual discipline.  Habits such as prayer are detailed by Tyree.  Tyree tells the reader to keep disciplined with their faith.  This message means that people must not only have good habits, but continue to improve those habits as their faith deepens.

After reading this section of Tyree's book, I feel that I have gained a greater insight on my own personal faith.  Tyree describes the true steps to putting Christianity in action.  God does not want us to be passive about our faith.  God wants us to share our faith with others while having a passion to continue to grow in our faith.  However, our actions are our biggest tool to sharing the gospel.  Acting as God wants us to act spreads God's love better than simply telling someone about your beliefs.  Although telling a person about your specific faith may be appropriate for a situation, actions still speak louder than words in most situations.  I have learned that I must ask God to help me be the best disciple possible.  I cannot do it alone, and I need to ask for God's help.  I have enjoyed Tyree's book thus far and look forward to learning more about him in the rest of his book.

Reading: More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree (pgs. 125-156)

In the next section of More Than Just The Catch, by David Tyree, Tyree reveals more stories of courage and high morals.  In chapter twelve, Tyree details many players and associates with ties to the NFL.  He tells the story of each of them.  Specifically he details their courage of sharing their faith and putting their faith into action in the NFL and other areas of the world.  Many of them donate regularly.  However, the people Tyree describes also provide a strong Christian influence on the rest of the world.  They live their lives closely to how God would want them to live.  They make their faith very apparent in all aspects of their lives.  Tyree includes many of their philosophies and quotes when he describes each man.  He tells their stories.  Some of them had many struggles as Tyree did, but others are simply great Christians influencing the NFL.  Tyree details how important it is to have fellow Christians supporting other Christians and working towards a common goal in adding to the body of Christ.

After reading this section of Tyree's book, I strengthened my belief that fellow people of the same beliefs makes a person stronger.  Tyree describes many Christians associated to the NFL that deserve credit for their influence on the league.  He also describes them to stress the importance of having fellow Christians in your walk in life.  All the people Tyree described had different backgrounds and different means of sharing their faith.  However, each person had a common goal: to share the love of Christ.  I realize that there are many different ways I can share my personal faith.  However, when I keep my focus on the important values in my life, I realize the actually means to show my faith are details.  When I live my life being who I am and taking all the opportunities in life that are possible and meaningful, I tend to better achieve my goals of being a Christian influence.  I look forward to reading more interesting views of Tyree in the rest of his book.