Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Track Season of Fluctuations

Track season has officially begun.  Our team has now completed two meets.  Personally, I am somewhat pleased with my performance so far in the season.  I have been in some fortunate situations in my opinion in track meets.  However, I know I can improve greatly in both shot put and discus.  I want to continue to work at improving every day, while I focus on the positives.  Even though there are some extremely disappointing meets, I know that a poor performance in a meet does not mean that I have no hope.  Performances in meets can be extremely fluky one way or another.  I know I have the ability to achieve my goals.  I will continue to give the sport my best and leave the results up to God.  I ultimately want to enjoy the sport while giving it everything I can and letting God handle the results.

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