Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reflections from my Early Reading.........

I believe my early reading has been rather enjoyable as a whole.  Specifically, I enjoyed Coming Back Stronger, the most out of the books I read.  In contrast, Juiced, by Jose Canseco was less enjoyable for me.  Both books provided different perspectives on morals.  Both books were based on sports as well.  I thought that Brees's book was more open and welcoming to opinions than Canseco's.  Both authors had clear viewpoints, but Canseco seemed to be more set in his opinions.  He also attempted to persuade the reader into using something that should not be used according to law.  I found more insight that I can actually use in the book by Brees.  Canseco's book gave me a distinct perspective, but I disagree with some of his opinions and most of his values.  Overall, I believe I had a successful quarter of reading and I look forward to reading more unique, enjoyable books.

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