Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Looking into the Future, New York Times

In the New York Times article, "High School Seniors Predict Their Future," several high school students make plans for possible future careers.  Personally, I relate closest to the student who wants to be a school counselor.  He wants to be a counselor because of the encouraging people in his life.  Personally, I believe I have strong people skills that would suit me well for a job such as a school counselor.  I also believe the kid that wants to be a marijuana baker is the most interesting.  He seems serious about his intents to do this job, which is a rare job indeed.  I believe the kid that is undecided is the most deluded because he is only interested in money at the moment.

Personally, in ten years, I can easily see myself as a high school teacher.  I believe I have the complete skill set to fair well in the job.  I enjoy helping people and relating to others.  I hope that I can achieve my goals in life.  I will want to use my personal skills as a people person in my future career.  I hope that I can fully use these goals in a position such as a teacher or counselor.  I am not concerned with the money portion of a job.  I am solely interested in whether or not I see myself enjoying my career for all of my time spent on the job.  I hope to find a more definite plan later in life but I also can relate myself to a few of the kids from this New York Times article.

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