Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Break Reflections

I had an eventful and enjoyable spring break this year.  Despite the fact I did not travel for vacation, I was able to relax yet have a productive break.  Specifically, I was able to go to four colleges close by for visits.  I was and still am interested in these small Christian schools.  I visited Taylor and Indiana Wesleyan on Monday, Anderson on Wednesday, and Huntington on Friday of spring break.  I enjoyed parts to all of these colleges, but I also feel like I narrowed down my choices for a college in the future.  I had gone on several college visits before, therefore, I was experienced and I was able to gather more and better information from each school.  In addition, I was able to hang out with many of my friends during break.  I was fortunate enough to see almost all of my close friends over break.  Every night of spring break, I had some sort of activity I was doing with friends or family.  More specifically, I spent one night at an engagement party for my oldest brother.  I enjoyed spending time with his fiancee's nephews.  I always like being productive and in my opinion, I was productive both in the the work I accomplished and also the time I spent with other people.  Overall, I believe I had a fantastic break even if it was not perfect.

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