Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Constant Tug of Wars in Life

In my life, I constantly experience temptations.  There are many struggles in my life that are unfortunately not one time deals.  The difficulty I have is trying to maintain some of these struggles.  Sometimes it seems as though I can improve one area of my life while another struggle seems to surface at the same time.  I know there are many ways to relieve stress, and many of these are negative.  There are positive ways to relieve tension, but often these methods may be more inconvenient to us as people.  I believe stress and how people deal with stress is a huge issue for myself and most likely, many of my fellow classmates.  Personally, I rest assured that God is in control and he will help me through all of my struggles.   Even when it may seem as though I am making no progress as a person, I know God will continue to fortify and never waste the struggles I face in my life.

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