Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reading: More Than Just the Catch by David Tyree (pgs. 77-104)

I became aware of several interesting situations as I read my next section of More Than Just the Catch, by David Tyree.  In chapter eight, Tyree describes his transition to living a life for God.  He describes being possessed by the devil for a period of time.  He was acting so unnatural and evil, that all of the people close to him became concerned.  Eventually, David broke the devil's possession of his body when he called out to God.  David's wife Leilah, describes the devil possessing David as an attempt to pull him away from God.  David had recently accepted Christ and started to live a life for God.  This new life may have caused the devil to try to pull him away.  David describes afterword about his NFL career under the radar.  He was never a standout player, but David believes he was exactly how popular God wanted him to be in the league.  God has purpose in all things, and David's quieter NFL career was all part of God's plan to show case him later in his life.  Last, David describes a revived home life he experienced as a father and husband.  After dedicating his life to God, he began to seek his guidance in all things, thus, he was led to a healthier, closer-knit, life at home.

In chapter nine, Tyree describes the passing of his mother.  His mother was always a huge part of his life, and seeing her go was not easy.  However, Tyree's mother accepted Christ near the end of her life.  Tyree rest assured that his mother was indeed in heaven and she even wrote a poem confessing her faith in Christ.  Tyree's mother's death was difficult for their whole family, but they recollecting well on the good times spent with her at her funeral service.  Her dog, Mickey, was left with Tyree's spiritual mother, Kimberly.  Tyree describes at the end of the chapter how he knows that his mother is in heaven smiling at Kimberly and her dog Mickey praying together every morning.

After reading this section of Tyree's book, I feel that God can truly penetrate any person's life.  Tyree was in a mess of all sorts.  Certainly, it did not appear that Tyree would ever turn around his rather immoral lifestyle.  However, it only took one moment to turn around his entire life.  He finally realized he needed to commit himself to living God's way, not his own.  I believe that people can turn their lives around quicker than they may think.  A situation can seem to murky to be cleared, but there is always hope.  Some struggles seem to large to defeat, but if you are patient with yourself and God, you can defeat these struggles.  I have always felt that I must tell people that they can truly overcome any obstacle in life with the help of God.  Often times, it is another person that can turn your life around.  I always want to work to be a strong part of other people's lives so that they have me if they need me in any situation.  I feel more fortified in my beliefs through reading this book, and I look forward to unveiling more truths in the story.

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