Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reading: Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy (pgs. 281-301)

I found some magical moments in my next section of reading in Dungy's book, Quiet Strength.  In chapter twenty, Dungy describes a very magical game he experienced during the 2006 season with the Indianapolis Colts.  They were playing the New England Patriots in the AFC championship with a chance to go to the Super Bowl on the line.  The Patriots were favored by many due to their recent success in the playoffs and specifically success against the Colts.  Dungy gave the team great motivation with his retelling of the story, David and Goliath from the Bible.  The Colts fought hard all game, especially in the second half.  The Patriots seemed to be in total control at one point with a 21-3 lead over the Colts.  However, the Colts never gave up and ended the game on top.  Dungy's team had a never say die attitude that led them to winning over the Patriots and also shaking a monkey off their back with a trip to the Super Bowl. 

Dungy was happy to find that he would be playing his good friend, Lovie Smith, and the Chicago Bears in the Super Bowl.  One of the coaches, Dungy or Smith, would become the first African American head coach to win a Super Bowl.  As for the game itself, the Colts, despite a rough start, dominated the entire game.  The Colts won the game and sent Dungy into the record books as a coach.  Dungy describes the surreal feeling of winning the game.  He never envisioned how exactly his dream would feel in reality.  At the end of the chapter, Dungy states that despite all the monumental moments in his life, he will always look back on the small, seemingly unimportant, yet vital trials he faced in his life to lead him to be the man he is today.

In the epilogue, Dungy describes one of life's true purposes in his opinion.  He describes his personal experiences with helping other people.  He explains that touching other people is an extremely important facet of life.  He tells the reader to try and touch as many people as possible, because it is God's purpose for us as people of this earth.

After reading the conclusion of Quiet Strenght, I felt very nostalgic.  I felt this way because I remember how special the 2006 NFL season was for me personally.  During this season, I truly became a dedicated Colts fan.  I sparked a strong liking for football in general as well.  The football season gave me positive emotions that I truly feel I needed at the time.  I gained joy from watching the Colts and eventually resting in the fact they won the Super Bowl.  I can also relate to Dungy when he describes the true purpose of touching the lives of others.  I know I am founded in Christ, I associate myself with Christ as one of God's children and I believe I must share the message of Christ with others.  However, this fact does not mean I am going to slam Jesus into another person's life.  I have great respect for all people and I certainly would not insult or ever look down upon someone with a different faith.  I believe my actions will always be my strongest tool to sharing my faith.  In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed Dungy's book for the truths he wrote about and I look forward to reading more books of the same level of literacy.

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