Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Favorite Blog in Class: Brown Sugar's Blog

My favorite blog by a fellow classmate in my class would have to be Brown Sugar's blog.  Personally, I enjoy the personal posts and style added to the blog.  Brown Sugar has many posts about soccer.  I do not think I saw any other blogs with posts pertaining to soccer.  He also has many pictures and videos in addition to the standard text posts.  I also think his posts over his personal reading are well thought out and interesting.  He relates the blog to his own life often.  Ultimately, I believe Brown Sugar's personal touch to his blog puts him among the best blogs in my class.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pondering, by Loran Saggu

Loran Saggu's vivid colors and austere pose in his self-portrait, "Pondering," depicts a pensive, arcane thinking in his own mind.  His colors of orange and yellow relate to his calm, yet passionate mood in his portrait.  In addition, his striking pose of a pondering state alludes to a hermetic analysis occurring in his mind as depicted in the portrait.  Saggu's serene eyes add to the overall sedate tone of the portrait.  Saggu's warm colors and relaxed expressions in his self-portrait portrays a paramount deep thinking state.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Wedding Bells Toll...

I found out only a few weeks ago that my oldest brother, Keith, is getting married soon.  I am actually very excited for him.  I would be supportive no matter who he would be marrying I am sure, but I know his fiancee is a wonderful woman.  In addition, I will be a groomsman for the wedding.  The interesting part about the wedding is that Keith is the oldest in my family, and Jen, his fiancee, is the youngest in her family.  As a result, Jen has nephews that are my age.  In other words, Jen is their aunt, but Jen will be my sister-in-law even though I am the same age as some of her nephews.  Sometimes, it's funny how things work out within a family.  Regardless, I look forward to the wedding and I am very happy for my brother.

Reading: More Than Just the Catch by David Tyree (pgs. 105-124)

In the next section of More Than Just the Catch, by David Tyree, I was entertained by Tyree's miracle of a football season.  In chapter ten, Tyree details the New York Giants, his NFL team, and their journey to the Super Bowl in 2007.  They were doubted the entire year, and they barely made the playoffs with a 10-6 record and a number six seed.  However, their team had stronger unity than ever before, and they possessed mental toughness to win as an underdog.  In the playoffs, the Giants won games at Tampa Bay, and then at Dallas to make the NFC championship.  In the NFC championship, they needed overtime to finally beat the Green Bay Packers and punch their ticked to Super Bowl forty-two.

In chapter eleven, Tyree details the events of the Super Bowl, how he prepared for them, and how he reacted to them when they actually happened.  He prepared for the Super Bowl with a prayer with his spiritual mom, Kimberly.  The New York Giants were major underdogs to the undefeated, 18-0 New England Patriots.  The Giants played well the entire game but found themselves down 14-10 late in the game.  On the winning drive, Tyree caught one of the most amazing catches in NFL history to keep the drive alive.  The Giants scored a touchdown on the drive and went on to win the game 17-14.  Tyree details how amazing and unreal the moment of the Super Bowl victory was for him.  He was able to use his famed platform to give glory to God for everything God did in his life and continues to do for him.  Tyree details how magnificent the one play he made in the Super Bowl represented his entire life of struggle with constant hope.  He thanks God for the fame and platform he used to glorify God's name.  At the end of the chapter, Tyree gives all glory to God emphatically, and notes the amazing events that occurred in his life to lead him to be the man he is today.

I felt rather emotional after reading this section of reading in Tyree's book.  Tyree's situation truly seems unreal.  I remember watching the Super Bowl and witnessing possibly the greatest play in NFL history!  The Giants were possibly the greatest underdog story ever!  I honestly believe God may have had a hand in the Super Bowl that year.  The Giants brought so much good emotion to so many people.  For Tyree, he was able to witness for God with his new found fame.  I work to use God's name in my interpretation of my success in life.  I will give glory to God when I need to be a witness (which is often).  I always want to remain level headed about any success I encounter in life while remembering God brings all of the positive things into my life.  I hope that I can find more entertaining and incredible stories through reading more in Tyree's book.

Reading: More Than Just the Catch by David Tyree (pgs. 77-104)

I became aware of several interesting situations as I read my next section of More Than Just the Catch, by David Tyree.  In chapter eight, Tyree describes his transition to living a life for God.  He describes being possessed by the devil for a period of time.  He was acting so unnatural and evil, that all of the people close to him became concerned.  Eventually, David broke the devil's possession of his body when he called out to God.  David's wife Leilah, describes the devil possessing David as an attempt to pull him away from God.  David had recently accepted Christ and started to live a life for God.  This new life may have caused the devil to try to pull him away.  David describes afterword about his NFL career under the radar.  He was never a standout player, but David believes he was exactly how popular God wanted him to be in the league.  God has purpose in all things, and David's quieter NFL career was all part of God's plan to show case him later in his life.  Last, David describes a revived home life he experienced as a father and husband.  After dedicating his life to God, he began to seek his guidance in all things, thus, he was led to a healthier, closer-knit, life at home.

In chapter nine, Tyree describes the passing of his mother.  His mother was always a huge part of his life, and seeing her go was not easy.  However, Tyree's mother accepted Christ near the end of her life.  Tyree rest assured that his mother was indeed in heaven and she even wrote a poem confessing her faith in Christ.  Tyree's mother's death was difficult for their whole family, but they recollecting well on the good times spent with her at her funeral service.  Her dog, Mickey, was left with Tyree's spiritual mother, Kimberly.  Tyree describes at the end of the chapter how he knows that his mother is in heaven smiling at Kimberly and her dog Mickey praying together every morning.

After reading this section of Tyree's book, I feel that God can truly penetrate any person's life.  Tyree was in a mess of all sorts.  Certainly, it did not appear that Tyree would ever turn around his rather immoral lifestyle.  However, it only took one moment to turn around his entire life.  He finally realized he needed to commit himself to living God's way, not his own.  I believe that people can turn their lives around quicker than they may think.  A situation can seem to murky to be cleared, but there is always hope.  Some struggles seem to large to defeat, but if you are patient with yourself and God, you can defeat these struggles.  I have always felt that I must tell people that they can truly overcome any obstacle in life with the help of God.  Often times, it is another person that can turn your life around.  I always want to work to be a strong part of other people's lives so that they have me if they need me in any situation.  I feel more fortified in my beliefs through reading this book, and I look forward to unveiling more truths in the story.

Homestead Coffee House

I was pleased with my experience I had at the Homestead Coffee House this past Friday evening.  I thought all of the artwork was excellent, if not beyond excellent in my opinion.  I truly believe there are artists at Homestead that may have a future career as an artist of some kind.  I was not aware of the immense talent we have at our school.  All of the musical acts were also very entertaining.  Everyone at the Coffee House had great talent.  My favorite act of the evening would probably be the band, Leaving Rockwell.  They were the only band, and in my opinion, they were the most entertaining musical act.  Overall, I thought the people organizing the event did a tremendous job and I am now sold on the talent in the arts at Homestead.

Reading: More Than Just the Catch by David Tyree (pgs. 25-76)

In the next section of reading More Than Just the Catch, by David Tyree, I found more examples of hard work used to get out of bad situations.  In chapter two, Tyree describes the positive influence his older sister, Tara, had on his life.  She was the first to accept Christ into her life, and she helped advise Tyree on what is wrong and right in life.  Tyree describes how athletics were his ticket to making it to college.  He knew he needed to go to college to be more, and his only way to getting there was his athletic ability.  He worked harder than everyone else even at a young age, propelling him to be the football player he wanted to be in the future.

In chapter three, Tyree explains how peer pressure had a huge impact on his life.  Eventually, Tyree's reputation in school as a kid landed him in the wrong social group.  His friends made poor decisions and often disobeyed authorities.  Tyree was influenced negatively by his friends and often found himself in trouble.  He writes about some of their mistakes, including driving a car when all of his friends and him had never driven before in their lives.  Tyree writes about the hard times with his friends, but he also tells that things would get better from his point of being in with the wrong crowd in school.

In chapter four, Tyree explains more peer pressure he faced, specifically pressure in high school.  He made some poor decisions while in relationships with girls in high school.  He invested too much attention to some girls, and he focused on being a "player" in high school.  However, he still managed to fair very well in football and maintain his grades.  He was able to achieve the football scholarship he always dreamed of as a young child.  His mother was ecstatic, and Tyree describes the excitement both of them shared on their visits to colleges.

In chapter five,  Tyree describes his life at his college, Syracuse University.  Specifically, he details the crazy parties and beautiful women at the school.  Eventually, he met a woman he could not get off of his mind, Leilah.  Soon, the two started seeing each other regularly.  Unfortunately, the two had sex, which complicated things in the relationship.  Leilah writes about the strong ties the two had to each other in their relationship at the end of the chapter.

In chapter six, Tyree describes more difficulties in his relationship with Leilah.  The two continued to party regularly, and eventually, Leilah became pregnant.  David was actually drunk the day Leilah went into labor.  Despite their child, the two broke up and Leilah stayed home with their son.  However, David's family all liked Leilah, and all of them held on to the hope that David would return to marry Leilah.

In chapter seven, describes the drastic change that took place in his life early in his NFL career.  He was drafted in the sixth round by the New York Giants, and he found success early in the league as a special teams player.  However, he struggled mightily with alcohol and marijuana addictions.  He was arrested for marijuana possession later.  In addition, Leilah was pregnant with their second child basically at the time David paid bail to get out of jail.  At this moment that Leilah told David the important news, David decided he needed to make huge changes in his life.  He cut out the drug addictions, including alcohol, and began to turn his life around as he turned to God for guidance.  He committed himself to Leilah in marriage and also committed himself to his children.  He describes that only his faith in God allowed him to have the ability to truly turn his life around.

After reading this section of Tyree's book, I feel as though Tyree's story is almost unreal.  He was able to find success on the field always, but all of the truly important things in his life were in jeopardy.  He had trouble with many dangerous addictions and seemed selfish many times in college and early in his NFL career.  I think it is amazing how Tyree and many people can hit rock bottom, and then truly change their lives.  I have noticed that even in my struggles, I can hit bottom and then begin to turn my life around.  When my sins become full blown and as obvious as ever, I can truly distinguish what I need to do to improve myself as a person.  In retrospect, I am closest to God many times when I am struggling the most keeping his commandments.  I know choosing immoral and ungodly things in this world is completely wrong, but God uses these times in my life to draw me closer to him.  I am sure I will uncover more truths in this book as I continue to read about Tyree's story.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Constant Tug of Wars in Life

In my life, I constantly experience temptations.  There are many struggles in my life that are unfortunately not one time deals.  The difficulty I have is trying to maintain some of these struggles.  Sometimes it seems as though I can improve one area of my life while another struggle seems to surface at the same time.  I know there are many ways to relieve stress, and many of these are negative.  There are positive ways to relieve tension, but often these methods may be more inconvenient to us as people.  I believe stress and how people deal with stress is a huge issue for myself and most likely, many of my fellow classmates.  Personally, I rest assured that God is in control and he will help me through all of my struggles.   Even when it may seem as though I am making no progress as a person, I know God will continue to fortify and never waste the struggles I face in my life.

Reading: More Than Just the Catch by David Tyree (pgs. 1-24)

The next book I have decided to read is More Than Just the Catch, by David Tyree.  David Tyree was a special teams standout in the NFL and made possibly the greatest play in Super Bowl history.  His book is about his story of courage, hope, and achieving the unthinkable.  In the prologue, Tyree describes his sudden rise to fame in the NFL.  Despite his success as a special teams player for the New York Giants, he did not become a household name until he made an incredible catch in the Super Bowl.  He describes how God put him on the big stage to display his incredible story for all people.  He was able to use the stage as his tool to share God's message to all football fans.  God used the Super Bowl to elevate Tyree's fame, continue his story of achieving the impossible, and help Tyree share his faith. 

In chapter one, Tyree describes his extremely difficult childhood and family life.  Even before he was born, Tyree's parents were fighting.  Their tensions eventually became too much and the two divorced each other.  Tyree had two sisters, Jessica and Tara.  Specifically, he was very close to his sister Jessica.  There were several times in which he clung to Jessica for support through their many adverse times at home during their childhoods.  Specifically, Tyree mentions a time in which the two kids were sent to Jamaica with their mother's "friends."  Her "friends" turned out to be maniacs and they severely beat David while David and Jessica's mother was away in the United States preparing to move to Jamaica permanently.  The times seemed like a horror film to David and his sister, but the two became even closer through this scary experience.  Eventually, they were saved by their mother and grandfather.  Tyree describes at the end of the chapter that despite the dysfunctional qualities within his family, they were still a close-knit group.  His family laid a foundation for him to take with him for the rest of his life.

After reading this first section of Tyree's book, I could not help but feel compassion for Tyree's home life.  I personally do not know how it would be to have divorced parents.  Certainly, I cannot relate to his nightmare scenario he experienced in Jamaica as well.  However, I believe Tyree would agree in my analysis that the experiences, although horrific, were vital to his growth as a person.  He was made stronger through his close relationships with his few family members.  I always know there are many things that I wish were not existing in my life.  I also know there were past experiences I had with my family and other people that I would never want to repeat.  However, I would not trade my family for any family in the world.  Even if my family causes some rifts and unwanted drama, I believe these tensions can actually give me perspective and prepare me as a person in maturity.  I have been exposed to some more serious and detrimental factors of this world simply through my family, specifically my three older brothers.  Despite my disapproval for some of their decisions, I know that I am made stronger and God has given me purpose in having my brothers as members of my family.  I look forward to reading more in Tyree's story, More Than Just the Catch.

Pacers In the Playoffs?

The Indiana Pacers have not made an appearance in the NBA playoffs in quite some time now.  This year, they are back and they made their debut today against the number one seed in the eastern conference, the Chicago Bulls.  As heavy underdogs, the Pacers played very well the entire game except for the last five minutes or so when they blew their lead.  They ended up losing even though they led all but about two minutes of the game.  As a Pacers fan, I was extremely disappointed.  However, I was happy to see the Pacers fight hard and I look forward to seeing what they can do in other games versus the Bulls in this series.

Reading: Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy (pgs. 281-301)

I found some magical moments in my next section of reading in Dungy's book, Quiet Strength.  In chapter twenty, Dungy describes a very magical game he experienced during the 2006 season with the Indianapolis Colts.  They were playing the New England Patriots in the AFC championship with a chance to go to the Super Bowl on the line.  The Patriots were favored by many due to their recent success in the playoffs and specifically success against the Colts.  Dungy gave the team great motivation with his retelling of the story, David and Goliath from the Bible.  The Colts fought hard all game, especially in the second half.  The Patriots seemed to be in total control at one point with a 21-3 lead over the Colts.  However, the Colts never gave up and ended the game on top.  Dungy's team had a never say die attitude that led them to winning over the Patriots and also shaking a monkey off their back with a trip to the Super Bowl. 

Dungy was happy to find that he would be playing his good friend, Lovie Smith, and the Chicago Bears in the Super Bowl.  One of the coaches, Dungy or Smith, would become the first African American head coach to win a Super Bowl.  As for the game itself, the Colts, despite a rough start, dominated the entire game.  The Colts won the game and sent Dungy into the record books as a coach.  Dungy describes the surreal feeling of winning the game.  He never envisioned how exactly his dream would feel in reality.  At the end of the chapter, Dungy states that despite all the monumental moments in his life, he will always look back on the small, seemingly unimportant, yet vital trials he faced in his life to lead him to be the man he is today.

In the epilogue, Dungy describes one of life's true purposes in his opinion.  He describes his personal experiences with helping other people.  He explains that touching other people is an extremely important facet of life.  He tells the reader to try and touch as many people as possible, because it is God's purpose for us as people of this earth.

After reading the conclusion of Quiet Strenght, I felt very nostalgic.  I felt this way because I remember how special the 2006 NFL season was for me personally.  During this season, I truly became a dedicated Colts fan.  I sparked a strong liking for football in general as well.  The football season gave me positive emotions that I truly feel I needed at the time.  I gained joy from watching the Colts and eventually resting in the fact they won the Super Bowl.  I can also relate to Dungy when he describes the true purpose of touching the lives of others.  I know I am founded in Christ, I associate myself with Christ as one of God's children and I believe I must share the message of Christ with others.  However, this fact does not mean I am going to slam Jesus into another person's life.  I have great respect for all people and I certainly would not insult or ever look down upon someone with a different faith.  I believe my actions will always be my strongest tool to sharing my faith.  In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed Dungy's book for the truths he wrote about and I look forward to reading more books of the same level of literacy.

Reading: Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy (pgs. 241-280)

In the next section of Dungy's book, Quiet Strength, I found more truths from his book through his difficult experiences as he describes in his book.  In chapter eighteen, Dungy describes an unforgettable season he had coaching the Indianapolis Colts in 2005.  The team started out hot and ran their record to 13-0 before finishing 14-2.  The team had a dominating presence on the field as they beat opponents easily and set several records in their season as a team.  Sadly, Dungy experienced the death of his son, Jamie, during the same season.  He was shocked to hear the result of his son taking his own life.  Everyone in Dungy's family along with their friends were devastated.  Dungy describes the funeral ceremony in great detail with a large crowd around him.  Many people were there who were positively impacted by Jamie in their lives.  Dungy described all of the positive aspects of Jamie at the service.  He also gave advice to all the parents at the service to treasure the moments with their children and love them always.  Although the 2005 football season ended in an early playoff exit, Dungy will always remember all of the accomplishments and struggles during the season that made him a stronger individual.

In chapter nineteen, Dungy details the Colts magical 2006 regular season.  They won a lot of games, but by closer margins than their season the previous year.  In addition, they struggled mightily during the final stretch of the regular season.  Dungy knew their new philosophies would payoff though.  They managed to win the final game of the season and snag a number three seed for the playoffs.  The Colts won their first two games in the playoffs with a rejuvenated defense.  In addition, they had the the luxury of playing the New England Patriots, their nemesis, at home for the AFC championship.  Dungy describes at the end of the chapter how it was fitting to play the Patriots, their rivals, to have a chance to go to the Super Bowl.

 After reading this section of Dungy's book, I cannot help but feel for Dungy after learning about the death of his son.  I believe any death of a child would be difficult, but a child committing suicide has to be more disturbing.  However, I admire Dungy's attitude and outlook on the situation.  He knew his child was in heaven due to his faith and he did not dwell on the fact he took his own life.  Dungy was extremely optimistic on what he actually gained in the sadness.  I want to have the same attitude as Dungy in this somber portion of life.  Despite the terrible emotions that come along with hardship, I must rest assured that God has a purpose in all things.  He will use struggles to build me and mold me.  In addition, I will one day reunite with my father God in heaven.  I look forward to reading the conclusion of Quiet Strength.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Break Reflections

I had an eventful and enjoyable spring break this year.  Despite the fact I did not travel for vacation, I was able to relax yet have a productive break.  Specifically, I was able to go to four colleges close by for visits.  I was and still am interested in these small Christian schools.  I visited Taylor and Indiana Wesleyan on Monday, Anderson on Wednesday, and Huntington on Friday of spring break.  I enjoyed parts to all of these colleges, but I also feel like I narrowed down my choices for a college in the future.  I had gone on several college visits before, therefore, I was experienced and I was able to gather more and better information from each school.  In addition, I was able to hang out with many of my friends during break.  I was fortunate enough to see almost all of my close friends over break.  Every night of spring break, I had some sort of activity I was doing with friends or family.  More specifically, I spent one night at an engagement party for my oldest brother.  I enjoyed spending time with his fiancee's nephews.  I always like being productive and in my opinion, I was productive both in the the work I accomplished and also the time I spent with other people.  Overall, I believe I had a fantastic break even if it was not perfect.

Tuesday Response

Jamie Isaia's antique and colossal home alludes to an elegant and colorful mind of the home's owner.  The various antique and extravagant technology is evident in the home.  There are somber, yet beautiful color schemes throughout the house.  These colors and equipment correlates to the owner's lover for all things of a past day.  The quaint books in his home also infers that he is a profound and educated man.  He seems to be more into polished works rather than flashy items.  His animals, such as an alligator head and his dog alludes to his gentler side towards other creatures.  His bathroom is quite beautiful with elegant shades of light blue shimmering on the walls.  He may be referring to his interest in the bathroom as a sacred and somewhat mysterious place.  Overall, Isaia's simple, yet meaningful decorations in his home display his obvious interest in old-fashioned, comfortable decor and setting within a house.