Monday, February 14, 2011

You Learn More Through Adversity Than any Other Time in Your Life...

As I have learned throughout my life, I believe adversity, although tough, can be one of the biggest factors in shaping a person.  Yesterday, I competed in another intramural basketball game.  The game was close but we lost in a low scoring game, 25-30.  I was not extremely disappointed about the loss as a whole, but I was discouraged by the fact that I did not score in points in the game.  I do not know exactly why, but for some reason, this loss was one of the tougher experiences to fully swallow.  I had big expectations for this game, as well as the fact I was coming into the game averaging over sixteen points a game.  I know my limitations, and I know that I am not an extraordinary talent by any means.  However, I wanted this game to be a special game for myself.  When we lost the game without me scoring a point, I felt like I let people down.  Worst of all, I fell short of my expectations.  I believe that I am a strong willed individual.  When I analyze situations and realize I have a chance to succeed in them, I often work very hard towards achieving my goal.  When I do not reach these goals, I often leave the situation feeling dejected.  However, I know that adversity has always shaped me in who I am as a person.  I will always want to succeed, but I realize that I must be willing to take the hits in life if I want to continue to build myself into a better person.  Adversity always hits hard, but when a person is still standing after wards, they can provide inspiration and become stronger than ever.  In conclusion, I want everyone (including myself) to realize that adversity can be a gift in disguise, constantly shaping who we are as people and helping us achieve our ultimate goals in life.

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