Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Track, one of my Favorite Sports of the Year

Track season is just around the corner now.  I cannot describe my excitement for the upcoming season.  I especially look forward to track season because the season will mean that spring is here at last.  I live for spring weather.  The weather is the absolute perfect balance in temperatures.  My ideal day would have temperatures in the low seventies, with a brisk spring breeze.  As for track itself, I do not see myself as an elite athlete at the sport.  However, I know that I always work to become the best I can be at anything in which I compete.  I will never sell myself short and tell myself I cannot achieve greatness.  I enjoy track because it is more laid back in personality than any other sport of which I know.  The sport is individual, which seems to relax me throughout the season.  I will be accountable for my own progress while I can also exchange conversations with friends and mentors.  Overall, I look forward to what I hope to be an enjoyable track season this year.

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