Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reading: Coming Back Stronger, by Drew Brees (pgs. 275-303)

After I completed the final section of Coming Back Stronger, I feel that I have an excellent understanding of trials and triumphs.  In the final chapter, chapter seventeen, Brees describes the playoffs leading up to the Super Bowl in his 2009 season with the New Orleans Saints.  The Saints played all playoffs as if they had something to prove, defeating both the Arizona Cardinals and the Minnesota Vikings.  Brees treasured the moment after he defeated the Vikings to qualify for the Super Bowl, but he knew he and the Saints had one more mission.  Brees described how supportive the Saint's fans had been all season and leading up to the Super Bowl.  Brees believed he had to win the game for the fans.  Next, Brees described the buildup leading up to the Super Bowl.  He participated in media day and also received some suggestions on the Super Bowl situation from some mentors of his that won in Super Bowls. 

Moreover, Brees describes the Super Bowl itself.  The game was back and forth for most of the Super Bowl.  There were many key plays for the Saints, including a surprise onside kick recovery and an interception for a touchdown late in the game.  In the end, Brees and the Saints were victorious.  After the game, Brees described his initial post game reactions and his special moment after the game with his son, Baylen.  Next, Brees described the parade which was located in New Orleans a few days after the Super Bowl.  He described the parade in New Orleans to be larger than any parade for an NFL team in any other city would have been after the game.  Finally, Brees described all of the events that happened after the big game.  He received extra attention by media and several talk shows.  He ends chapter seventeen when he describes the moment right after the game when he sees a friend, whom has a talk show, and he gives her a kiss after the win. 

In the epilogue, Brees describes the goals for himself and the New Orleans Saints following their Super Bowl win. Brees states that he never will stop trying to acheive more and will continue to work to improve everyday.  He gives a message to all of his readers to conclude his memoir.  His overall messages to readers is that we not only need to accept adversity, but we should welcome adversity.  Brees stated at the end of his book that he wanted readers to realize that their greatest victories can come from their greatest defeats.

After reading the final section of Brees's memoir, I could not help feeling a little emotional.  Personally, Brees's words concerning defeat struck home for me.  I realize that my greatest defeats have certainly led to some of my greatest victories in life.  For example, when I lost a championship wrestling match in eighth grade, I was led by God to pursue other activities in life.  I started to pursue other activities such as football, track, and weight lifting.  I found success in several of these new activities.  When I reflect on where I stand currently, I have no doubt in my mind that the problems I have faced in my life have helped shape me into who I am today.  I know I have more work to do in my life to be the person I want to be in the end.  However, I know that difficulties in my life will always provide a silver lining and shape me into a better person.  Although it is difficult to see at the time, trials always seem to produce some kind of positive outcome in the end.  In final analysis, I believe Coming Back Stronger is an excellent book that should be read by anyone who wants to learn about unleashing the hidden power of adversity.

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