Monday, January 10, 2011

Reading: Coming Back Stronger, by Drew Brees (pgs. 1-38)

When I decided to read Coming Back Stronger, by Drew Brees, I expected the book to be centered around the game of football.  However, I have already learn through my early reading in the book that the message is entirely different.  In the first chapter of his story, Brees begins his memoir by providing detail about his childhood background and family.  He was born into an extremely athletic family and he tells how the competitive nature of his family helped him become a better football player in the future.  Drew also tells about the birthmark he was born with on the side of his face.  He recollects the times he was picked on for having the mark and tells how he gained toughness through the criticism.  Furthermore, Brees writes on to describe his parents splitting up.  He describes his parent's divorce as possibly the most difficult time in his life.  However he gained insight from his own parent's divorce.  He also grew closer to his little brother, Reid, throughout the most difficult time in his life.  Drew later describes his seemingly hopeless situation on his high school's football team.  Despite the situation, Drew remains on the team and succeeds tremendously when he finally has an opportunity to shine.  He also describes his ACL injury at the end of his junior season as a defining moment in his life.

In chapter two, Brees details about how he was tested and eventually had an epiphany.  He began to focus on God more in all stages of his life and went on to have an incredible senior football season.  I believe it was at this particular spot in Brees's book that he decided to title his book Coming Back Stronger.  Later in his book, Brees describes his recruiting process and his decision to go to Purdue University in Indiana.  After describing his decision, Drew details several memorable, self-defining games for him at Purdue.  He eventually accomplished his goal he made as a freshman to go to the Rose Bowl when he led Purdue to the big game as a senior.

Moreover, in chapter three, Brees describes his initial encounters with his wife.  He tells how awkward and stupid he acted when he first wanted to impress his now wife, Brittany.  However, through his perseverance, he eventually gets Brittany to take notice and become his girlfriend.  Drew describes Brittany as the perfect complement to himself.  Drew also states in his story that he knew he would marry Brittany the moment he laid eyes on her.  Interestingly, he was right on the money.

After reading this section of Coming Back Stronger, I couldn't help being a bit surprised due to my preconceived notions about the book.  I was initially thinking that Brees would write a story about his struggles on the field and his major impact on the city of New Orleans when became a member of the Saints NFL team.  However, Brees shared about his personal life, struggles, and relationships more than his experiences on the field.  Personally, I could relate when Brees described being made fun of as a child.  Due to the fact I had glasses, and braces twice during my childhood, I was picked on a bit more than the average kid.  However, like Drew, I believe I gained character and toughness in the long run through my struggles.  I also could relate to Drew when he described the perseverance he needed to get through an injury and remain set on his goals.  I am not anywhere near the athlete that Drew Brees is, but in other stages of my life I can relate to times where perseverance truly pays off.  Overall, I enjoyed this portion of his story.

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