Monday, January 24, 2011

Paint balling....... Not as Easy as it Sounds.....

This past Saturday, I went paint balling for the first time with a few friends.  I did not have any idea what to expect from this game.  We played a total of eight games, therefore, I feel I have a much better idea of what paint ball is all about now.  Overall, I do not believe I have the fearlessness to be great at the game.  Basically, to be effective in the game and get other people out by shooting them, you have to be willing to take some hits.  A shot from a paint ball gun does not always hurt, but it can leave some marks.  I stayed more towards the back most of all the games.  I was surprised when some people had welts and bruises after the games when I stayed relatively clean.  I probably still was hit about 12 times in total after all of the games, but I had no welts.  Unfortunately, I do not believe I forced many other people out by hitting them.  I played conservative and did not get into the game as much as some of the other people.  In summary, I believe I person absolutely needs to have some fearlessness in them in order to be truly successful in the game of paint ball.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't get any welts because you are the beast, but a pansy because you didn't go in the front
